Broomfield Council on the Arts & Humanities
ASTER Women's Chamber Choir is a small (18-20 voice) women's ensemble in Broomfield, which frequently performs at the Broomfield Auditorium and in other local locations. ASTER is an open and affirming organization. We welcome women of all ages, ethnicities, religious, and sexual orientations. We have kept our members' dues to a minimum so that women of all economic backgrounds will be able to join. Also, we have provided financial assistance to women who cannot afford to purchase our concert attire and provided stipends to women who needed assistance to pay for childcare while they attended rehearsals. The meaning of the name "ASTER" comes from The Meaning of Flowers in which Gretchen Scoble wrote: “Asters speak of the tiny beginnings from which all great things proceed.”
Stay tuned -- In the meantime, you can support a specific BCAH program, like ASTER, by sending a check to BCAH and note the program name on the memo line. To make an online donation, click the “Donate” button, and specify the program to which you are donating.